Family Planning Services
Sunrise offers a full range of Women’s Health and Pregnancy Care services, including women’s well-care services, prenatal and post-partum care, and family health services.
Pregnancy Care - We provide integrated health services to women before, during, and after pregnancy, including:
Deliveries – in partnership with North Colorado Family Medicine residency & Banner Health-North Colorado Medical Center.
Education & support in nutrition, breastfeeding, and newborn care.
Group OB visits, behavioral health, care management, social services.
WIC (Women, Infants & Children) services.
Women’s Health – We offer health services for women of all ages, including Pap screening for cervical cancer, minor gynecologic procedures, referral for mammography, STI screening, pregnancy testing, and more.
Family Health – We provide voluntary family health services for birth control methods, natural family planning techniques, vasectomies, and tubal ligations.